About Jens

Just an average teenage girl who has an abnormal obsession towards food.
Born in Shanghai, China, 1997 and is living a balanced life as a Shanghainese Vancouverite.

Ten Random Facts About Me?!

-My full name is Jenny Lu 
-As you can tell, most people call me Jens
-My Favourite number is 26
-I'm kind of sort of tall 
-I am going into business after high school (Sauder School of Business at UBC :) 

-Legitimately Bilingual (which means I can read, write and speak two languages fluently yay! Thanks to mama and papa Lu)
-I have a sister named Maggie & she is 5 years younger than me
-I love pastel colours (especially purple)
-I'm a day dreamer 
-I would love to meet other Vancity food bloggers so we can pig out together!

Everyone has different tastebuds. I'm happy to share my personal thoughts and experiences with you, but don't solely take my opinions! Read more reviews and a variety of perspectives before you order ! HAPPY EATING! :)

You can find me on Instagram @Jensfoodiary


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